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Welcome to KCKCC TEC Bookstore Textbooks

Here with the Department, Course, and Section number of each of your classes you can look up your textbooks and kits.


Please Read Before Continuing,


  • We make every effort to guarantee the validity of the textbooks list. Textbook information can change due to faculty changes, publisher changes, and cancelled classes. As soon as it is known, we will update the website ASAP.
  • We can only return and exchange textbooks bought either in store at KCKCC Bookstore or on KCKCC Bookstore website. If textbook is purchased thru an outside vendor you will need to go to that outside vendor for return and exchange.
  • Prices are subject to change. We will update the website ASAP if that happens.
  • Supply is first come first served with stock. Demand for an item can change by adding of sections to classes, change in faulty, and cancelation of classes. We do make every effort to restock if an item goes out of stock on our shelves.
  • This only lists textbooks and kits. You may still need more supplies, please contact KCKCC TEC Bookstore for more details.
  • You will still need to come in store to purchase your textbooks, kits, and supplies.
  • If you have any questions, please contact KCKCC Bookstore at 913-288-7855


If you have finished reading above, please click on <I have read and understand the above>.


Thank you for your business with KCKCC Bookstore and hope you have a wonderful semester.


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